Saturday, 18 January 2025

Scinario Based interview Question .....

 How To Achieve The Scenario.






City, State





I want Out put





[tFileInputDelimited (File1)] --> [tAddRowNumber] -->|


[tFileInputDelimited (File2)] --> [tAddRowNumber] -->|--> [tMap] --> [tFileOutputDelimited (File.csv)]


[tFileInputDelimited (File3)] --> [tAddRowNumber] -->|

SQL very Important Questions :-

 SQL very Important Questions :-

--->--Find the Dupilcates From Table




---> Delete Duplicate From table






Select * from emp where Rownum <= 5;

select rownum, e.* from emp e where rownum<=(select count(*)/2 from emp);


select distinct A.empno, A.ename,a.sal,b.sal, A.mgr, B.empno, B.ename

from EMP A, EMP B where A.mgr = B.empno and A.sal > B.sal ;

very Important Questions :-

 SCR:- my source file data Coming Correctly yesterday , today some bad records Length is Exceed in my file without job fail process good records.. how to implement logic in Talend.

Example Job Flow:

  1. tFileInputDelimited
    (Read your source file)

  2. tSchemaComplianceCheck

    • Define your schema constraints:
      • Field Length: Set the maximum length for each column.
      • Data Type: Validate data types (e.g., String, Integer).
      • Nullability: Define whether null values are allowed.
  3. Outputs from tSchemaComplianceCheck:

    • Valid Rows Output: Connect to your main processing components (e.g., database, transformation).
    • Rejected Rows Output: Save to a file using tFileOutputDelimited or log with tLogRow.

  Source File:-

City Having 3 Charter defined as per client requirement , But some one entry wrong data in source i want reject those records process remain records 

Job Desgin:-


Thursday, 9 January 2025

 Real Time interview questions:-

1.Write condition in tMap expression builder(i.e.,if the branch is CSE then computer science, IT then Information Technology, Other than CSE or IT then it is Other ) .

2. if we have 10 excel files which are in AWSs3 location how will you load the table in database oracle/postgres? IN this flow if the file is not correct how will you recect it?

3. We have 1crore records in input ,output should contains 10 files . Each file should have 10lakhs records.

4. Find count of columns in a file using Talend?

5.I have 3 jobs if job failed it should run from the point of failure?

6. I have 5 sub jobs, I want to run first 3 sub jobs parallel and other 2 sub jobs parallel how would you do it?

7. How we get first 100 records from a CSV file, last 100 records from a CSV file and how we get if we have actual header?

8. How to perform full outer join in Talend?

Answer Will Post as per comments 

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Trigger connections in talend use cases


Trigger connections define the processing sequence, so no data is handled through these connections.

The connection in use will create a dependency between Jobs or subJobs which therefore will be triggered one after the other according to the trigger nature.

Trigger connections fall into two categories:

  • subJob triggers: On Subjob OkOn Subjob Error and Run if,
  • component triggers: On Component OkOn Component Error and Run if.

OnSubjobOK: This connection is used to trigger the next subJob on the condition that the main subJob completed without error. This connection is to be used only from the start component of a subJob.

These connections are used to orchestrate the subJobs forming the Job or to easily troubleshoot and handle unexpected errors.

OnSubjobError: This connection is used to trigger the next subJob in case the first (main) subJob do not complete correctly. This "on error" subJob helps flagging the bottleneck or handle the error if possible.

OnComponentOK and OnComponentError are component triggers. They can be used with any source component on the subJob.

OnComponentOK will only trigger the target component once the execution of the source component is complete without error. Its main use could be to trigger a notification subJob for example.

OnComponentError will trigger the subJob or component as soon as an error is encountered in the primary Job.

The main difference between OnSubjobOK and OnComponentOK lies in the execution order of the linked subJob.

·        With OnSubjobOK, the linked subJob starts only when the previous subJob completely finishes.

·        With OnComponentOK, the linked subJob starts when the previous component finishes.

The execution order of the subJobs linked by OnComponentOK is within the execution cycle of the previous subJob.

Run if connection settings

About this task

In the Basic settings view of a Run if connection, you can set the condition to the subJob in Java.

In the following example, a message is triggered if the input file contains 0 rows of data.


1.     Create a Job and drop three components to the design workspace: a tFileInputDelimited, a tLogRow, and a tMsgBox.

2.     Connect the components as follows:

o   Right-click the tFileInputDelimited component, select Row > Main from the contextual menu, and click the tLogRow component.

o   Right-click the tFileInputDelimited component, select Trigger > Run if from the contextual menu, and click the tMsgBox component.

3.     Configure the tFileInputDelimited component so that it reads a file that contains no data rows.

4.     Select the Run if connection between the tFileInputDelimited component and the tMsgBox component, and click the Component view. In the Condition field on the Basic settings tab, pressing Ctrl+Space to access the variable list, and select the NB_LINE variable of the tFileInputDelimited component. Edit the condition as follows:


5.     Go to the Component view of the tMsgBox component, and enter a message, "No data is read from the file" for example, in the Message field.

6.     Save and run the Job. You should see the message you defined in the tMsgBox component.


Thursday, 27 May 2021

Talend - Out of Memory Error and Java Heap Space Error


The Out of Memory Error and Java Heap Space Error are two of the usual errors which occur in the Talend jobs handling a large volume of data. These errors can be avoided to an extent by following some design guidelines.

(1) Keep in mind that tMap is a heavy component. Minimize its use in your jobs.

·                     Avoid tMap if you need just simple transformations like trimming the string values, replacing null numbers by zeroes, etc. In its place you can use tJavaRow component.

·                     If you want to get only a small set of columns from a huge collection avoid using a tMap. For that you can use a lighter component- tFilterColumns

·                     Similarly, to filter rows you can use tFilterRow instead of a tMap

(2) Use store on disk option whenever necessary.

          This option is available in tMap, tUniqRow, tSortRow, etc.

·                     tMap

While using store on disk option in tMap the directory to store temporary data will be created automatically. This data will not be deleted or replaced on subsequent run(s) of the job. So it is advised to delete the temporary directory created using tFileDelete component from within the job. You can give that in On Subjob Ok of tPostJob component.


·                     tUniqRow

In the case of tUniqRow the temporary directory should be created manually before the job run/or can be handled within the job. If the temporary directory is not available, the component tUniqRow will give out FileNotFoundException!


·                     tSortRow

In the case of tSortRow the temporary directory will be created automatically



(3) The JVM arguments can be modified as and when needed


-Xms256M - initial memory size available to JVM is 256 MB

-Xmx1024M - maximum memory size available to JVM is 1024 MB


 1)if first one less than second one return number -1,

TalendDate.compareDate("2016-DEC-01" ,"2016-DEC-020","yyyy-MM-dd");

2)equlas return number 0,
TalendDate.compareDate("2016-DEC-01" ,"2016-DEC-01","yyyy-MM-dd");

3)bigger than return number 1. (can compare partly)
TalendDate.compareDate("2016-DEC-15" ,"2016-DEC-01","yyyy-MM-dd");

Working Code :
Var.start : TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd","2016-DEC-01")

Var.End : TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd","2016-DEC-01" )



Date1 < Date2    :         Returns -1
Date1 = Date 2     :         Returns 0
Date1> Date 2    :         Returns 1

Scinario Based interview Question .....

 How  To Achieve The Scenario. Input File1.csv  id,Name 1,Mahendra File2.csv City, State Hyd,Telangana File3.csv Stateid Ts I want Out put F...