Thursday, 9 January 2025

 Real Time interview questions:-

1.Write condition in tMap expression builder(i.e.,if the branch is CSE then computer science, IT then Information Technology, Other than CSE or IT then it is Other ) .

2. if we have 10 excel files which are in AWSs3 location how will you load the table in database oracle/postgres? IN this flow if the file is not correct how will you recect it?

3. We have 1crore records in input ,output should contains 10 files . Each file should have 10lakhs records.

4. Find count of columns in a file using Talend?

5.I have 3 jobs if job failed it should run from the point of failure?

6. I have 5 sub jobs, I want to run first 3 sub jobs parallel and other 2 sub jobs parallel how would you do it?

7. How we get first 100 records from a CSV file, last 100 records from a CSV file and how we get if we have actual header?

8. How to perform full outer join in Talend?

Answer Will Post as per comments 

1 comment:

  1. hi @mahendra please share he answers of all questions and new questions also .its really helpful for those who preparing talend interview.


Scinario Based interview Question .....

 How  To Achieve The Scenario. Input File1.csv  id,Name 1,Mahendra File2.csv City, State Hyd,Telangana File3.csv Stateid Ts I want Out put F...