Thursday, 23 May 2019

Talend Interview Questions Part2:-

1)what is flat files ? how can we handle this flat files in talend?
2)what is nested column in file(XML file)?
3)what is port number of your oracle server ?from oracle how can you extract the data?
4)what default user id in oracle and sql ?
5)what is the size of your data bases ? how many maximum records you have handled ?
6)how can you migrate the data which is 30 yrs of data ? what is process you followed? there is huge data in the source i need to pull the data monthly twice ot thrice  how can process this huge volume of data ?what is process you will followed ?
7)are you alone handling the jobs? how can you justify you are gathering the requirements ?what is the exact things you are doing in your team?
8)which version of oracle you are using ? what is ranges of the data in your database ?
9)what is the top scenario you have used ? what are the big achievements you are done ?what are the big challenges you are faced ?
10)what kind of data you have in your database is it normalized data or de normilized data ? what kind of data you will have in the data warehouse is it a normalized data
or de normalized data??
11)what are the orchestration components?
12)how can you do performance tuning in talend ? how can you do performance tuning in sql ?

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